The Chicago Park District announced this week that they will be reopening the City’s lakefront, playgrounds, and indoor aquatics programming as metrics allow the city to ease COVID-19 regulations. Over the upcoming weeks you can expect:
Lakefront parks will be open during normal operating hours. Regulations on lakefront parking will also be lifted. Parking fees will be required and enforced. Masks are mandatory. Large gatherings are strictly prohibited and social distancing must be observed at all times.
All outdoor playgrounds and nature play spaces to reopen. Families and caregivers are urged to practice safety guidance, including wearing a mask, social distancing, and cleaning hands frequently. These high traffic areas are not sanitized but can be enjoyed safely by following the guidance on the signage installed at each location.
During its Spring programming session indoor swimming pools will reopen to offer limited aquatics programming. Spring registration begins Monday, March 8th.
For park specific, COVID-19 updates, visit Chicago Park District. Please visit www.chicagoparkdistrict.com or contact the Chicago Park District at 312/742.PLAY or 312/747.2001 (TTY).